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The Jumpstart Security Blog

The cyber security blog for small and medium businesses

cyber security crime

How to Report a Scam or Cyber Security Crime in Australia

The Australian Cyber Security Centre receives a cyber crime report every eight minutes. Since the turn of the century, cybercrime incidents have evolved to take advantage of transforming communication technologies, consumer behaviors, and working arrangements. Our response to these threats will require more cyber security experts. Cyber security incidents occur in Australia every eight minutes. But
mitigate cybersecurity risks

The 12 Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents for SMBs

Are you concerned about cyber security incidents and looking for strategies to mitigate cyber security risks? You’re not alone. Many businesses are worried about cyber attacks and their potential impact on their bottom line. This blog post will discuss some strategies to mitigate cybersecurity incidents. Despite cybercrime becoming more sophisticated, solutions to mitigate cyber security
online payment security

What You Need to Know About Payment Security: A Guide for Merchants and Consumers

Fraudsters are constantly on the hunt for ways to get into systems and steal data. Despite these concerns, customers still expect to pay for services and products using their preferred means of payment efficiently and seamlessly. Online shopping has been an increasingly popular trend in recent years, as many find it more convenient to shop
cyber security compliance

Understanding Cyber Security Compliance for Small Businesses

Small businesses are vital to the economy, but they are also a target for cybercriminals. 62% of all cybercriminals attack a small business. To stay safe online, small businesses need to understand cyber security compliance and implement the necessary measures.  Infact, businesses of all sizes face security threats every day, yet they lack the resources
prevent data breach

How To Prevent Data Breach: 5 Steps That Will Save You From Cyber Crime

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, cyber security solutions are more important than ever.  A data breach can have devastating consequences for your business, so it’s crucial to take steps to prevent one from happening. Fortunately, there are cyber security solutions that can help prevent these breaches.  By implementing key security measures, businesses
fake email scams

Keeping Your Small Business Safe From Fake Email Scams

Small businesses are often the target of fake email scams, and it’s important to know how to protect yourself from these schemes.  Criminals will often send fake emails purporting to be from a reputable company, in an attempt to steal information or money from the recipient. It is therefore crucial that small business owners are

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