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As your business moves more and more of its workloads to the cloud, it’s critical to perform regular cloud security audits. By ensuring that your cloud provider is taking the necessary steps to keep your data safe, you can rest assured that your business is protected from malicious actors and cyber threats. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process for conducting a cloud security audit. Let’s get started!

What is a Cloud Security Audit?

A cloud security audit assesses the security posture of an organization’s cloud computing environment. The purpose of a cloud security audit is to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with the use of cloud technologies and to recommend measures for mitigating those risks. 

A cloud security audit typically includes an assessment of the organization’s cloud infrastructure and its policies and procedures for managing security in the cloud. The scope of a cloud security audit can vary depending on the organization’s needs. However, most audits will assess the organization’s overall security posture and compliance with relevant security standards such as ISO 27001.

Benefits of Cloud Security Audits

Overseeing access control 

Cloud security audits can help organizations protect their data from unauthorized access. A thorough security audit can identify and assess the risks posed by employees joining or leaving your organization and personnel moving to new roles and departments. This helps you manage access control responsibly, for example, ensuring that access is revoked when employees leave and that new employees are granted minimal privileges. Additionally, a cloud security audit can provide valuable insights into how your data is used and shared across various systems.

Secure access to the cloud

Secure access to the cloud is critical for businesses of all sizes. Cloud-based systems allow organizations to quickly and easily deploy new applications, processes, and tools without worrying about hardware or software installations. But secure access isn’t easy – even small mistakes can lead to severe consequences. That’s why regular cloud security audits on your systems are essential.

A cloud security audit can help verify that employees and other users are securely accessing your cloud – for example, using a VPN over an encrypted channel. Regularly conducting this type of audit can ensure that your data remains safe no matter what happens outside your network perimeter.

Security of APIs and third-party tools

API security is a top priority for many organizations, and all APIs and third-party tools must be secure. Unfortunately, not every API or tool is safe to use. Most cloud environments rely on a large number of APIs and third-party technologies. 

This makes them ripe targets for hackers who want to steal data or inject malicious code into systems.

Audits can identify security weaknesses in these APIs and tools and help the organization remediate them. Doing this protects your users from potential harm and safeguards your own data assets!

Cloud Security Auditing Challenges


Cloud audits are becoming increasingly important as organizations move their critical data to the cloud. Cloud providers control most of the operational and forensic data in a cloud environment, making it crucial for auditors to access this data. This requires coordination with the organization’s IT operations staff, who must be willing to provide access on a secure basis.

As an auditor, you need a comprehensive inventory of all your cloud resources and data to conduct effective reviews. You also need direct access to security policies and relevant forensic data to assess the risks associated with each platform. In addition, you will need sufficient training on cloud audits to provide sound recommendations based on accurate information.


It is always better to encrypt data on-premise and manage encryption keys in-house. This approach makes it much harder for third parties (such as the cloud provider) to access or secrete encrypted data. In addition, auditing can be extremely difficult, even impossible in some cases, if the cloud provider manages encryption keys. The PCI DSS Cloud Special Interest Group encourages organizations to store and manage encryption keys independently from the cloud provider.


To provide a secure and auditable cloud environment, the cloud provider must prove that it can prevent any system user from gaining administrative privileges. This is often done by implementing security features such as mandatory two-factor authentication, host intrusion detection/prevention systems, and enclave technology. 

Enclave technology allows different environments (e.g., development vs. production) to share standard physical devices while maintaining a physical and logical separation between them. It does this by isolating applications running inside an enclave into their own isolated process space and memory space.

Scope & Complexity

In a traditional data center, auditors were limited to reviewing a finite number of servers. As the number of entities within the data center increased, it became increasingly difficult for auditors to keep up. In a cloud environment, however, there is an exponential growth in the number of audited entities – this can include physical hosts, virtual machines (VMs), managed databases, containers, and serverless functions. This makes it very difficult for auditors to audit all these entities thoroughly and accurately.

To overcome this challenge, organizations should deploy automated tools that help them track changes and detect any potential risks associated with new entity additions or removals. By doing so, they will be able to ensure that their audits are always accurate and comprehensive.

5 Steps to Conducting a Cloud Security Audit

Evaluate the Cloud Provider’s Security Posture

Cloud security is a critical issue for businesses today. By correctly evaluating the cloud provider’s security posture, you can build a relationship with staff that will provide the necessary information required during your audit. 

During your evaluation, assessing the cloud provider’s security procedures and policies is essential. This will help you determine how risk-based your assessment of systems will be. You should also evaluate data stored in cloud systems to better understand potential threats. 

By establishing this relationship early in the process, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not clouds are right for your business!

Determine The Attack Surface

Cloud environments are complex, and attackers take advantage of that to gain an edge. They can use Cloud platforms for several nefarious purposes, such as espionage or stealing data. You need to use modern cloud monitoring and observability technology to keep your business safe and protect your assets.

Using this technology, you can identify the attack surface, prioritize assets at higher risk (based on their sensitivity), and focus remediation efforts where they will have the most impact. This way, you can mitigate threats before they have a chance to cause damage!

Set Strong Access Controls

Access management breaches are one of the most prevalent cloud security risks. There are many ways credentials to critical cloud resources can fall into the wrong hands. Here are some steps you can take to minimize risk from your side:

– Keep solid passwords and PINs confidential. Ensure that only those who need access to the accounts know the passwords and PINs, and never write them down anywhere unauthorized persons could access them.

– Use two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible. This will help protect against account takeover attacks, in which attackers capture user login credentials without capturing a second form of authentication, such as a password or token generated onsite. 

– Don’t reuse easily guessed personal information for different accounts or services. If you have multiple accounts with sensitive data, create unique passwords for each account so that it’s harder for someone to guess what information is associated with each account.

Develop External Sharing Standards

To ensure that data is appropriately shared and protected, it is essential to establish standardized practices. The best approach is to begin with the strictest standards and loosen security restrictions if there is a particular need.

Shared drives, calendars, files, and folders should be shared using standard protocols (usually FTP or SFTP) to avoid problems caused by user error or malicious actors. All users must follow these protocols for data sharing to work smoothly. Users who fail to adhere to these standards can cause damage not only within their organization but also across multiple systems. Your organization can safeguard its data by following standardized procedures while minimizing potential disruptions.

Automate Patching

It’s no secret that cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses operate. But with the rise of DDoS attacks, security is now a top priority for many organizations. That’s why it’s essential to regularly patch your environment to ensure it is secure. 

Multiple studies have found that it takes organizations, on average, over a month to patch a security weakness. And even when patches are applied, half of all users still experience some form of infection within the first 30 days after installation. This means that not only do you need to make sure your data is safe, but you also need to make sure your systems are protected from potential threats. 

Mastering Patch Management can be challenging for security and IT teams, but by following these simple steps, you can improve your chances of success:

– Plan ahead: Make sure you understand which vulnerabilities require updates and which ones should be left alone. This will help you prioritize which patches apply to your environment most effectively)

– Build an effective baseline: Once you know which vulnerabilities require attention, create an effective plan for testing and deploying them as required without compromising user productivity or violating regulatory compliance guidelines

Concluding Remarks

A cloud security audit is essential for any business that relies on the cloud to store or process sensitive data. By ensuring that your provider is taking the necessary steps to keep your data safe, you can rest assured that your business is protected from malicious actors and cyber threats. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process for conducting a cloud security audit. Let’s get started!